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KMID : 0359019810010010023
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1981 Volume.1 No. 1 p.23 ~ p.28
A Clinical Observation of the Duodenitis
±èÁ¤±Ù/Kim JK
¹Ú»óÈñ/Ÿí»ê/±èÈ«¹ü/¾ç¿õ¼®/ÇãÀ±/Park SH/Tae MS/Kim HB/Yang OS/Huh Y
A clinieal Observation was done on the 110 cases (male; 52 cases, female; 58 cases) of duodenitis under the gastroduodenoscopic examination among the patients who were performed endoscopic examination because of seeking for the cause of dyspepsia period from Aug. 1981 to Sep. 1981 at Department of lnteral Medicine of BNUH. The results were summerized as follow 1) Normal finding(Grade 0) was highest as 40% in the incidence according to grade of duodenits. Next was moderate (Grade II & II) as 24. 5%, the 3rd was mild(Grade I ) as 20% and lowest in severe(Grade IV) duadenitis as 15.5%, 2) Sex distribution of duodenitis showed 37 cases in male and 29 cases in female. And male was slightly higher in incidence than female. 3) Age distribution of duodenitis revealeii 3rd decade and 4th decade were highest in incidence, 30 cases and 28 cases respectively. The order of frequency was 5th decade, 6th decade, 1st decade and 7th decade. 4) Duodenitis was slightly higher in after 4th decade than before 4th decade. 5) The 56 cases of duodenitis except for 1 case were aasociated with gastroduodenal diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcer or gastric carcinoma. Association of gastritis is highest as 79. 4%. 6) Acurracy of diagnosis in duodenitis on X-ray study was 3 cases in 20 cases. Generally X-ray study was little value in diagnosis of duodenitis.
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